Saturday, July 20 2024

liqourAfter last night’s emotional Eviction Show, the houemates need some lighting up and this evening, Big Brother pulled out the big guns, in a bid to calm the shot nerves of our Top 6.

On opening the Store Room door, Kat let out a yelp that was a mix of total shock and excitement. Loko, who was hot on her heels, peered into the dimly lit room and upon laying eyes on the copious amounts of booze waiting to be claimed, she looked like she was ready to send up prayers of gratitude and reverence to the alcohol gods.

She stood motionless at the doorway and called out for the rest of the House. “What is this? Guys, come and see! Yoh, yoh, yoh”. There was a mad rush for the alcohol, accompanied by sweet declarations of love. “We love you so much Biggie. I slammed Biggie earlier for something minor, but now I take it all back. I’m really sorry. Thanks Big Brother,” an excited MK enthused.

Sol, on the other hand, was as animated as ever. He grabbed a hold of two bottles and broke into a little song and dance manoeuvre. Loko’s prayer at the dinner table seemed particularly heartfelt and after demolishing their supper in record time, the Housemates got down to business.

Having this much booze in the House is sure to liven things up more than a tad. Will the alcohol softenMandla up enough to give Kat a chance to get even closer?

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