Saturday, September 7 2024
Time Check; 08:55: Housemates take their showers after the morning exercises. Mandla and Emmett bond and talk about the upcoming World Cup. Meanwhile, Kat is enjoying her breakfast in Suite 501.

Time Check; 09:40: Sol joins the rest of the gag downstairs and talks about Thando’s eviction. From Suite 501, Kat is watching every minute of what the other housemates are doing.

Time Check; 10:22: Mandla talks to Emmett about his relationship with Lexi.

Time Check; 10:45: Poolie bonds with Emmett while he makes some eggs.

Time Check; 11:20: It’s time for the final nominations of the season, Sol is the first in there as he nominates Poolie and Iris.

Time Check; 11:30: Captain Loko nominates Mandla and Lexi.

Time Check; 11:33: MK puts up Mandla and Lexi.

Time Check; 11:36: Lexi nominates Iris and MK.

Time Check; 11:39: Iris throws Lexi and Sol under the bus.

Time Check; 11:43: Poolies goes for Mandla and Sol.

Time Check; 11:45: Mandla nominates Poolie and Iris.

Time Check; 11:48:  “…a bunch of slobs” is how Emmett describes the housemates during his open Diary session, he also talks about the house being messy.

Time Check; 11:55:  Poolie and Lexi are Kat’s nomination choices.

Time Check; 12:20: Sol lectures Poolie about isiZulu 101.

Time Check; 12:42: Loko, Sol and Iris talk about yesterday’s evictions, Loko confesses that she didn’t see herself surviving especially among other strong contenders.

Time Check; 13:00: Loko reads out the Arena games task brief.

Time Check; 13:07: The Arena Games require accuracy and strength as two teams will compete in a target-shooting challenge. The Immunity challenge will require housemates to answer 10 questions about flags, the one who gets 7 correct answers first will win the challenge.

Time Check; 13:15: Loko, Emmett, MK and Mandla are on the same team while  Lexi, Sol, Iris and Poolie make the other team. Both teams head to the Arena.

Time Check; 13:33: The Arena Games begin in a huff as each team member does all they can to hit the target.

Time Check; 13:45: Team B finally wins hits the target and thus wins the games. It’s now time for the Immunity challenge.

Time Check; 14:02: Which country is also the world’s smallest continent? Iris and Mandla wrongly pick Swaziland and India respectively while Pooie, Sol, MK and Lexi pick out Australia which is the right answer.

Time Check; 14:06: The country whose flag has a chichen itza, one of the seven wonders of the world? Irsi Poolie and Sol pick the right answer; Mexico.

Time Check; 14:12: Which country hosts the famous Oktoberfest Beerfest? Sol picks the right answer and thus wins this Immunity challenge, this sends him to the finale to join Kat and Loko.

Time Check; 14:30 Emmett schools the Housemates on handling household chores. They seem to be following as they immediately get into their cleaning roles as he directs.

Time Check; 14:45  Iris asks Emmett his age and the Canadian replies; ” 26″, before asking where she is from. Iris responds, adding that the Free State and Mpumalanga are both an hour’s drive from Joburg

Time Check; 15:23 Biggie calls Sol to the Diary room to tell him about his reward. Due to his Immunity win earlier today Sol will be joining Kat in the luxurious Suite 501. Let’s just hope and pray that he behaves himself.

Time Check; 13:36 Iris irritated by the Mandlex’s non participation in the cleaning of the house.

Time Check; 15:44 Sol enters Suite 501 and immediately jumps onto Kat and attempts to give her a kiss. Although she is elated to see him and a smile spreads all over her face like wildfire. Sol immediately dives into a delicious burger and gets a tour around the suite from Kat. She is probably just relieved to have some company.

Time Check; 16:00 Kat’s Diary session and she touches on everything from Sol’s arrival to Suite 501 to her current feelings.

Time Check; 16:19 Emmett, the House Guest that is here to stir things up, goes in for his Diary session. He says that the Housemates are far too comfortable and they are not focusing enough on strategy. He believes that the people playing the game properly are MK and Lexi.

Time Check; 16:24 Loko and Lexi gossiping about the House guest Emmett and they do not believe there is any such thing as Big Brother Canada.

Time Check; 16:48 Sol goes in for a Diary session since his arrival in Suite 501. He touches on how he believes Loko is not who she appears to be and tells Biggie about how her and Lexi stole alcohol from the other Housemates.

Time Check; 17:11 Kat and Sol watch the other Housemates from Suite 501. Sol is shocked that no one has noticed that his bags are missing.

Time Check; 17:19 Sol and Kat are convinced that Lexi is playing Mandla. Kat tells Sol that ‘the camera likes him’, Mandla, Lexi and MK.

Time Check; 17:30 MK talking of  some of his future plans among  which includes getting hitched.

Time Check; 17:50 Kat and Sol continue their chat in suite 501. Kat opens to Sol how bored she was last night.

Time Check; 18:10 Mandla and Lexi sit at the top of the stairs, and wonder why Emmett keeps going into the Diary Room.

Time Check; 19:00 Is it just us, or is MK basically the Big Brother ‘auntey’? He spends most of his time in the kitchen.

Time Check; 19:40 Love is in the air Suite 501. Kat and Sol bond over some delectables. Kat, the temptress, drapes her leg over the deejay.

Time Check; 20:20 Emmett says MK is one of the most interesting people he’s ever met. “You’re probably even more fun on the outside,” Emmett says

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Who'll join Kat & Loko in the Finale?


Final Nominations: Lexi wanted out!

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