A recap of the first Friday Night Games
It takes as long as it takes for Biggie to tell you to report to the Arena immediately! Tonight we had the very first Friday Night Games. The Housemates walked into the Arena and tried to figure out how the game would work before getting the instructions on how to play. They thought that this would give them an advantage, and they could not have been more wrong.
The name of the Friday Night Game was called Hot-Hot Fruit and consisted of four challenges, but before that Biggie had to lay down the ground rules.
1. One housemate after another would take turns to complete the challenges.
2. The housemate with the quickest time wins.
3. Each Housemate was given seven minutes to complete the tasks.
4. If the Housemates step over the red lines, they would be disqualified.
The Challenges
Challenge one: Spin the wheel
The wheel consisted of different fruits, the watermelon, plum, orange, and a bar, and the words wild-wild. The trick to this game was to spin the wheel until it lands on a fruit and then they would be able to move on to the next challenge.
Challenge two: Orange grid
The trick to this challenge was that the Housemates had to roll the oranges into the grid and they had to get three oranges in a line. This could be horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Challenge 3: Watermelon roll
The Housemates had to grab a watermelon and roll it from start to end. The watermelons were in two baskets and they had to roll a total of three to move on to the next challenge., The course had demarcated lines on each side and they couldn’t go over them or they would have to start the challenge again.
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Challenge four: Smash the fruit
This challenge had plums placed on cones and they had to fill the water guns provided with water and shoot at the plums until they fall off of the cones.
It all sounded simple enough until the Housemates had to start playing. Six of the Housemates got disqualified and almost all of them struggled with challenge four.
Norman won the Game Night with a record-breaking time of two minutes with B.U coming in a close second. Venus, Sis Tamara, and Thato represented and all finished their challenges under the four-minute mark.