Sunday, September 8 2024
With all the wild, hilarious and jaw-dropping moments that have occurred thus far in the Big Brother house you’d be forgiven for thinking the housemates have been inside for weeks yet they’re just three days in! Since the infamous Truth or Dare evening the housemates haven’t let off the gas with their antics and their third day provided just as many memorable moment.
Firstly the family feud between Gino and Tiffini seems to have ended just as randomly as it started when the siblings hashed out their issues in the garden and sealed their new pact with a warm embrace.
The Head of House couple used their power to their advantage by deciding they’d ration the alcohol and cigarettes on behalf of the other housemates. Lebo even found a rather creative way to sneak out the surplus merchandise.
Adams turned the charm all the way on and all but sealed his union to Bexx when he stole a kiss in the bathroom area then later gave her a massage to further cement his place in her heart.
And as the night wore on, with sleep nowhere near the top of the agenda, the housemates split off into their own little group where they continued their daily ritual of vivid storytelling.
Yet while all was calm for the night, many unanswered question lingered in the air: Will Gino find out about Tiffini sharing his secret? Is Adams serious about Bexx? And when will the cigarette thief finally be caught?

KISS ALERT!!! Adams and Bexx Lock lips Again


Day 4: "People are changing their behaiour hour by Hour" Mathias narrates

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