Saturday, July 27 2024

cyclingIn a bid to promote health and wellness among the Housemates, Biggie would like the lazy Housemates to step up their fitness that is by assigning the cycling task where they are to ride from Johannesburg to Cape Town.

For their first Task of the week, the Housemates must take turns in cycling the 1200km between today and Presentation time on Thursday so they will have to be smart. “If the bicycles are stagnant for more than 20 minutes, the bicycle switches off and resets itself to zero. This means that Housemates will lose their progress on that bicycle

In the lounge, Housemates found two bicycles attached to a screen displaying the progress of each bike.

Here is what the housemates had to say ahead of the task:

“I thought I was away from Lexi, now I’m going to her,” Iris lamented in jest. This prompted a beaming Loko to say “I’m cycling to Poolie.” On the other hand, the other Housemates thought it was an April Fool’s joke but Biggie doesn’t play games.

“The aim is not to kill ourselves so we can even play cards while one cycles,” Mandla suggested. “I shall sleep-cycle baba,” MK joked.

“We need to carbo-load,” Kat said. “We need all the chocolates and water we can get,” Mandla suggested.

“I think the Reward will be no Evictions this week,” Sol predicted.

“I think he’ll bring like friends, family or other close people here,” Loko guessed.

First on the bikes were the forward Kat and Iris but it seemed as though there were issues with the timer and the seat being too high. However, the girls were glad to buck their demands at the boys.

During last week’s Travel Tasks, which saw Emmett’s hasty visit and exit, the Housemates won their 100 percent Wager amidst a series of challenges. Will we see a repeat of their luck this week?

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