Sunday, September 8 2024

Venus and B.U seem to be sailing after some assurance and confrontation.

Venus took it upon herself to confront B.U about Acacia and he quickly dismissed any feelings toward Acacia. Venus was clear in that she likes B.U but needs him more assertive and less entertaining to the girls who make moves on him in the House.

Venus Talking about Acacia

The charming B.U. has hit it off with Yoli and Acacia since day one of the season and their chemistry is undeniable, from their interest in music to their random bonding moments.

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Be it friendship or that other kind of ship we think their connection is exciting and refreshing but could easily fall apart and as we know the friendzone is the pits! On the other hand, B.U. has been showing interest in Venus – from the small talk to trying to spend more time with her in the House, however, Venus has been a little ambivalent towards, but she’s made it known that she is interested in B.U. but she’s worried that he will play with her heart. She says she is a sapiosexual and finds his conversations intriguing but she worries about the way he carries himself around other girls.


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