Sunday, September 8 2024

Today’s Diary session was emotional, housemates seem touched by QV’s departure.

It’s been a trying day not only in diary sessions but also in the entire Biggie’s House. With QV announcing her voluntary departure for reasons of her own mental health, the mood was decidedly sombre when the day’s Diary Sessions kicked off. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, some cracks have started to appear in the so far positive relationships between the Housemates.

First, on the subject of QV’s departure: Yoli says she was a bit shocked that she left so soon and didn’t expect it. While she was sad about her leaving, she applauded her bravery at taking a stand for her own wellness, and now realises what it will be like when the Evictions start rolling in. B.U. echoed Yoli’s surprise at QV’s departure, but – based on discussions he had with her – says he could tell she wasn’t supposed to be in the House. He was also proud of the brave step she took, a sentiment echoed by Mvelo.

Also Read: Day 3: Is there Chemistry between Themba and Venus?

Venus actually thought QV would change her mind and decide to stay. When she didn’t, Venus came to realise how serious things could get in the Big Brother House. Acacia said that she thought QV was somebody she would  “love to get to know better. She chose the path that she chose. It’s just an emotional day.”

Gash1 said that, in the moment, he wanted to ask QV to stay. When she walked out the door, it was a realisation that the Housemates needed to bring their heads back into the game.

Speaking about the game, tomorrow will see the Housemates deliver their performance for their first Wager Task. They’ve bet 100% of their income on being able to pull it off to Biggie’s satisfaction, so it’s raised a few tensions. Mvelo said that everyone wants to make executive decisions, because they all see themselves as artists, “and they all want to protect their craft.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly then, people seem to be starting to shift into camps, however gradually. Sis Tamara, for example, cannot connect completely with Mvelo, although he is slowly revealing things about himself that helps one understand who he is – the two had ample time to share while Mvelo was cooking breakfast, yesterday. Sis Tamara also says that they have connected with Norman since the Nomination on Monday, but is not feeling Nale, at all. Apparently, she constantly wants to be the centre of attention.

Norman says he doesn’t like Themba’s manner of engaging with people – overly hostile and constant interrupting. “I didn’t speak to Mvelo at all,” he said, “now – I’m like, I could chill with you.” He says he has a bond with Yoli. “You can tell she’s trying to keep up with the energy.” About Acacia, however, he is less flattering. “She is very self-centred. She’s very quick to make everything about her. We could be talking about anything… we could be talking about kids, and she’ll have to include the fact that she’s a mother.”

In contrast, Acacia seems unaware of being perceived this way. “It’s so beautiful that I am able to blend and chill with most individuals in the House. But I can see with the eye contact that there are some people that are somewhat intimidated by me, but I’m well in the game, from what I’m sussing out.”

Tomorrow’s Wager Task is make or break, for some of these relationships. The Housemates have expressed differences in opinion as to how they should approach it, so the outcome is going to leave some of them as heroes, and others with egg on their face.


Day 3: Is there Chemistry between Themba and Venus?


Housemates have arguments about Wager Task Presentation

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